Sentences for Practice (Past Continuous Tense)
विद्यार्थी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे थे. The students were preparing for the
वे बिजली की समस्या झेल्र रहे थे. They were facing electricity problem.
मैं साइकिल नहीं चला रहा था. I was not riding a bicycle.
तुम्हें कौन चिढ़ा रहा था? Who was teasing you?
वह ठीक से व्यवहार नहीं कर रहा था. He was not behaving properly.
डॉक्टर रोगी की जाँच कर रहा था. The doctor was examining the patient.
पक्षी आसमान में उड़ रहे थे. The birds were flying in the sky.
राष्ट्रपति विदेश जा रहे थे. The President was going abroad.
बच्चे शोर क्यों कर रहे थे? Why were the children making a noise?
अध्यापक प्रश्न पूछ रहा था.The teacher was asking questions.
छात्र अपनी नोटबुक में उत्तर लिख रहे थे. The students were writing the
answers in their note books.
कुत्ता उसकी पूंछ हिला रहा था. The dog was wagging its tail.
वे गहरी नींद में सो रहे थे. They were sleeping soundly.
तुम्हें कौन पुकार रहा था? Who was calling you?
रोगी अच्छा महसूस नहीं कर रहा था. The patient was not feeling well.
जब मैं अपना गृह कार्य कर रहा था, तो वह खेल रहा था. While I was doing my homework, he was playing.