Saturday, 19 December 2015

(6.1.1) Causative Verbs./ What are Causative Verbs

Causative Verbs/ What is a causative verb

Causative verbs are the verbs which are used when somebody does not do the action himself, but he asks or inspires another person to do it.
The following are the causative verbs :
Make, get, cause and have.
'Make' indicates the  use of force or pressure :
I make my brother wash my cloths.
'Have' is used when we engage or employ someone.
I have the servant wash my clothes.
'Get' indicates the persuasion.
'Cause' is used to inspire someone to do something.
I cause him to clean the room everyday.
Some More Examples -
Mohan has the washer-man wash his cloths.
I shall have the carpenter make a chair.
She had the cobbler polish her shoes.
He made me laugh.
The principal did not make the peon clean the room.
I got my elder sister to make tea.
He caused his younger brother to go for a walk daily.

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