Friday, 30 August 2024

(9.2.10) Sentences for practice (Past Continuous Tense)

Sentences for Practice (Past Continuous Tense)

विद्यार्थी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे थे. The students were preparing for the examination.

वे बिजली की समस्या झेल्र रहे थे. They were facing electricity problem.

मैं साइकिल नहीं चला रहा था. I was not riding a bicycle.

तुम्हें कौन चिढ़ा रहा था? Who was teasing you?

वह ठीक से व्यवहार नहीं कर रहा था. He was not behaving properly.  

डॉक्टर रोगी की जाँच कर रहा था. The doctor was examining the patient.

पक्षी आसमान में उड़ रहे थे. The birds were flying in the sky.

राष्ट्रपति विदेश जा रहे थे. The President was going abroad.

बच्चे शोर क्यों कर रहे थे? Why were the children making a noise?

अध्यापक प्रश्न पूछ रहा था.The teacher was asking questions.

छात्र अपनी नोटबुक में उत्तर लिख रहे थे. The students were writing the answers in their note books.

कुत्ता उसकी पूंछ हिला रहा था. The dog was wagging its tail.

वे गहरी नींद में सो रहे थे. They were sleeping soundly.

तुम्हें कौन पुकार रहा था? Who was calling you?

रोगी अच्छा महसूस नहीं कर रहा था. The patient was not feeling well.

जब मैं अपना गृह कार्य कर रहा था, तो वह खेल रहा था. While I was doing my homework, he was playing. 

(9.2.9) Sentences for practice (Present Continuous Tense)

 Sentences for Practice (Present Continuous Tense)

What are you doing at this time? तुम इस समय क्या कर रहे हो?

We are learning English at this time. हम इस समय अंग्रेजी सीख रहे हैं.

Who is sitting beside you? तुम्हारे पास कौन बैठा हुआ है?

Ram and Hari are quarrelling with each other. राम और हरि आपस में झगड़ रहे हैं.

I am getting late. मुझे देरी हो रही है.

He is laughing at the old man. वह बूढ़े आदमी पर हँस रहा है.

I am waiting for you. मैं तुम्हारी प्रतीक्षा कर रहा हूँ.

They are not wasting their time. वे उनका समय बर्बाद नहीं कर रहे हैं.

The stars are twinkiling in the sky. तारे आसमान में टिमटिमा रहे हैं.

It is thundering. बिजली कड़क रही है.

It is raining cats and dogs. मूसलाधार वर्षा हो रही है.

It is drizzling. बूंदाबांदी हो रही है.

Who is knocking at the door? दरवाजा कौन खटखटा रहा है?

Ram is not plucking the flowers. राम फूल नहीं तोड़ रहा है.

The birds are chirping in the garden. पक्षी बगीचे में चहचाह रहे हैं.

The driver is applying brakes to the car. ड्राईवर कार के ब्रेक लगा रहा है.

He is lying under the tree. वह पेड़ के नीचे लेटा हुआ है.

They are sitting in the sun. वे धूप में बैठे हुए हैं.

He is basking. वह धूप सेक रहा है.

Some children are playing in the play ground. कुछ बच्चे मैदान में खेल रहे हैं.

They are talking to their friends. वे अपने मित्रों से बातें कर रहे हैं.

I am working very hard these days. मैं इन दिनों बहुत मेहनत कर रहा हूँ.

We are worshipping in the temple.हम मंदिर में पूजा कर रहे हैं.

You are not walking fast. तुम तेज नहीं चल रहे हो.

I am not making fun of you. मैं तुम्हारी मजाक नहीं उड़ा रहा है.  

Are we deceiving ourselves? क्या हम अपने आप को धोखा दे रहे है?

Why are you playing with bad boys? तुम खराब लड़कों के साथ क्यों खेल रहे हो?

How many boys are sitting in the class room? कक्षा के कमरे में कितने लड़के बैठे हुए है?

The train is not running on time. रेलगाड़ी समय पर नहीं चल रही है.





Monday, 26 August 2024

(9.2.8) Meaning and Use of 'O'clock'

 Meaning and use of ‘O’clock’

‘O’clock’ is the short form of the phrase ‘of the clock’. We use it to show the exact hour of the day. 

‘O’clock’ शब्द ‘of the clock’ वाक्यांश का संक्षिप्त रूप है. हम इसका प्रयोग दिन का सटीक घंटा बताने के लिए करते हैं. ‘O’clock’ का अर्थ होता है ‘बजे’

Examples –

It is ten o’clock. दस बजे हैं.

It is three o’clock by my watch. मेरी घडी में तीन बजे हैं.

It was nine o’clock at night. रात्रि के 10 बजे थे.

I went to bed at ten o’clock last night. मैं पिछली रात्रि को 10 बजे सोया था.

It was ten o’clock in the morning. सुबह के 10 बजे थे.


(9.2.7) Use of A.M. (a.m.) and P.M. (p.m.)

 Use of A.M. (a.m.) and P.M. (p.m.)

Rule - 1

A.M. (a.m.) is the short form of the latin word ‘ante meridiem’ which means ‘before noon’ or before ‘midday’. So we use a.m. for the time after midnight to noon or midday. 

A.M. लैटिन भाषा के शब्द ‘ante meridiem का सक्षिप्त रूप है, जिसका अर्थ होता है, दोपहर से पहले. इसलिए हम रात्रि के 12 बजे से दिन के 12 तक के समय के लिए a.m. का प्रयोग करते हैं.    

Example –

I get up at 5 a.m. everyday. = I get up at 5 in the morning.

Rule - 2

P.M. (p.m) is the short form of the Latin word ‘post meridiem’ which means ‘after noon’ or ‘after midday’. So we use p.m. for the time after noon or midday to midnight. 

P.M. लैटिन भाषा के शब्द ‘post meridiem का सक्षिप्त रूप है, जिसका अर्थ होता है, दोपहर से बाद. इसलिए हम दिन के 12 बजे से रात्रि के 12 तक के समय के लिए p.m. का प्रयोग करते हैं.  

Example -

We shall reach there at 6 p.m. = We shall reach there at 6 in the evening.  



(9.2.6) Asking and telling the time in English

Asking and telling the time in English

Asking the time समय पूछना

The following are the ways to ask the time – समय पूछने के निम्नांकित तरीके हैं -

What time is it? क्या बजा है? (कितने बजे हैं?)

What time is it now? अभी क्या समय हुआ है? (अभी कितने बजे हैं?)

What time is it now by your watch? आपकी घड़ी में कितने बजे हैं?

What is the time now? अभी क्या समय हुआ है?

Could you tell me the time, please? कृपया, क्या आप मुझे समय बता सकते हैं?

Telling the time समय बताना

Rule- 1

जब किसी भी घंटे का पूर्ण समय हुआ हो; जैसे – पूरे 1, 2 या 3 या कोई भी समय हुआ हो तो समय बताने के लिए o’clock का प्रयोग किया जाता है. जैसे –

तीन बजे – three o’clock

चार बजे – four o’clock

Examples -

Q. What time is it now? अभी क्या समय हुआ है?
A. It is ten o’clock. दस बजे हैं.

Q. What is the time by your watch? तुम्हारी घडी में कितने बजे हैं?

A. It is three o’clock by my watch. मेरी घडी में तीन बजे हैं.

Rule – 2

जब पूर्ण समय से कुछ ज्यादा समय हुआ हो तो उसे बताने के लिए ‘past’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है. जैसे –

तीन बज कर दस मिनट = Ten minutes past three (three o’clock.)

चार बज कर पाँच मिनट = Five minutes past four (o’clock).

Examples –

What time is it by Ram’s watch? राम की घड़ी में कितने बजे हैं?

It is ten minutes past four by Ram’s watch. राम की घड़ी में चार बजकर दस मिनट हुए हैं.

Q. - What time is it? क्या बजा है?

A. - It is twenty minutes past two o’clock. दो बजकर बीस मिनट हुए हैं.

Q. - What is the time by your watch? तुम्हारी घडी में कितने बजे हैं?

A.- It is seven minutes past seven by my watch. मेरी घडी में सात बज कर सात मिनट हुए हैं.

Note – ऐसे वाक्यों में ‘minutes’ और ‘o’clock को छोड़ा भी जा सकता है. जैसे –

 It is twenty (minutes) past two (o’clock). दो बजकर बीस मिनट हुए हैं.

It is ten (minutes) past ten (o’clock). दस बज कर दस मिनट हुए हैं.

Rule – 3

जब पूर्ण समय होने में कुछ समय बचा हो तो, उसे बताने के लिए ‘to’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है. जैसे –

It is ten (minutes) to ten (o’clock). दस बजने में दस मिनट हैं.

It is thirteen minutes to five. पाँच बजने में तेरह मिनट हैं.

Rule – 4

‘सवा’ के लिए ‘a quarter past’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है. जैसे –

सवा दो a quarter past two.

सवा पांच a quarter past five.

Examples –

It is a quarter past four. सवा चार बजे हैं.

it is a quarter past ten by my watch. मेरी घड़ी सवा दस बजे हैं.

Rule – 5

“पौने’ के लिए ‘ a quarter to’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है. जैसे -

a quarter to three. पौने तीन

a quarter to six. पौने छः

Examples –

It is a quarter to five by my watch. मेरी घड़ी में पौने पाँच बजे हैं.

It is a quarter to ten. पौने दस बजे हैं.

Rule – 6

‘साढ़े’ के लिए ‘half past’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है. जैसे –

साढ़े सात half past seven

साढ़े आठ half past eight

It is half past seven.साढ़े सात बजे हैं.

It is half past four by my watch. मेरी घड़ी में साढ़े चार बजे हैं.

Rule – 7

जब किसी निश्चित समय पर कोई कार्य किया जाता है या होता है, तो समय से पहले ‘at’ (preposition) का प्रयोग किया जाता है. जैसे –

He came to me at 5 o’clock. वह मेरे पास पाँच बजे आया.

The sun sets at six o’clock. सूर्य छः बजे अस्त होता है.

The meeting will begin at a quarter to three. बैठक पौने तीन बजे शुरू होगी.

I take tea at half past six. मैं साढ़े छः बजे चाय पीता हूँ.

He will come here at a quarter past seven in the evening. वह शाम को सवा सात बजे यहाँ आएगा. 

(9.2.5) Months of the year/ The names of the month of the year/ Conversation between two persons

 Months of the year / The names of the months of the year

A converasation between two persons about the months of the year

Q. How many months are there in a year?

A. There are twelve months in a year.

Q. What are the names of the months?

A. The names of the months are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, Otober, November and December. 

Q. Which is the first month of the year?

A. The first month of the year is ‘January.’

Q. Which is the last month of the year?

A. The last month of the year is December.

Q. How many days are there in January?

A. There are thirty one days in January.

Q. How many months in a year have thirty days ?

A. There are four months that have thirty days.

Q. What are the names of the months which have 30 days?

A. April, June, September and November have 30 days.

Q. How many months in a year have 31 days?

A. There are seven months that have 31 days.

Q. What are the names of the months which have 31 days?

A. January, March, May, July, August, October and December have 31 days.

Q. Which is the shortest month of the year?

A. February is the shortest month of the year.

Q. Which month comes before June?

A. The month of May comes before June.

Q. Which month comes after November?

A. The month of December comes after November.

Q. Which month comes between April and June?

A. The month of May comes between April and June.

Q’ How many days are there in February in a common or ordinary year?

Ans, There are 28 days in February in a common year.

Q. How many days are there in February in a leap year?

Ans. There are 29 days in February in a leap year.

Q. What is a leap year?

Ans. The year which comes every four years and has 366 days instead of 365 days, is known as a leap year. In a leap year February has 29 days.

Q. How many days are there in a year?

Ans. There are 365 days in a common year but if it is a leap year, there are 366 days in it.

Thursday, 22 August 2024

(9.2.4) Greetings in English अंग्रेजी में अभिवादन

Greetings in English अंग्रेजी में अभिवादन

When to use or say ‘good morning’, ‘good afternoon’ ‘good evening’

In Hindi we greet a person by saying ‘Namaste’, ‘Namskaar’, ‘Pranaam’ etc. at any time of the day. But in English we use different phrases of greetings for different time of the day. They are ‘Good morning’, ‘Good afternoon’, ‘Good evening’, etc. For example –

We use ‘good morning’ from 4 (four) a.m. to 12 (twelve) noon.

Good morning, sir.

Good morning, father.

We use ‘good afternoon’ from (12) twelve noon to 5 (five) p.m.

Good afternoon, mother.

Good afternoon, everybody.

We use ‘good evening’ from 5 (five) p.m. to 12 (twelve) midnight.

Good evening, Hari.

Good evening uncle,

We say ‘goodbye’ when we are parting from someone.

Goodbye, children.

We say ‘good night’ when we are parting from someone at night or before going to sleep. 

Good night, boys.

Questions –

Q. Which words do we use to greet someone in Hindi?

A. We use ‘Namaste’, ‘Namaskar’ or ‘Pranaam’ to greet someone in Hindi.

Q. Which words do we say to greet someone in English?

A. We say ‘Good morning’, ‘Good afternoon’, ‘Good evening’ etc. to greet someone in English.

Q. When do we use ‘Good morning’?

A. We use ‘good morning’ from 4 (four) a.m. to 12 (twelve) noon.

Q. When do we use ‘Good afternoon’?

A. We use ‘good afternoon’ from (12) twelve noon to 5 (five) p.m.

Q. When do we use ‘Good evening’?

A. We use ‘good evening’ from 5 (five) p.m. to 12 (twelve) midnight.

Q. When do we say ‘Good bye’?

A. We say ‘goodbye’ when we are parting from someone.

Q. When do we say ‘Good night’?

A. We say ‘good night’ when we are parting from someone at night or before going to sleep. 




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