Friday, 28 February 2025

(9.3.1) The Book I Like Most or My Favourite Bool


The Book I Like most  (or) My Favourite Book

Good books improve our knowledge. They teach us how to live a noble life. I have read many books but I like the Ramcharitmanas most.  It was written by the great poet Tulsidas. It is written in Avadhi language. The Ramchartmanas  depicts the noble deeds of Shri Ram. Its language is very simple and musical. It is very popular among the Hindus. Ramcharitmanas presents a picture of an ideal brother, wife, husband, friend and an ideal society. Laxman was an obedient brother, Sita was an ideal wife. Bharat, the brother of Ram, had no Love for the throne.

Ram, the main character of this book, was the son of Dasharath, the King of Ayodhya. His father ordered him to go to the forest for fourteen years. He obeyed his father and went to the forest. His younger brother Laxman and his wife sita also went with him..

Ravan was the king of Lanka. Hе kidnapped Sita and took her to Lanka. Ram Invaded Lanka with the help of Sugriva and his army. He killed Ravan and got back sita.

This book gives the message that we must be just and dutiful. It points out that the evil is punished and the good prevails in the end.

This book is my friend, my guide and my teacher.

Q.1. What role do good books play?

Ans. Good books improve our knowledge and teach us how to live a noble life.

Q.2. Which is your favourite book?

Ans. The RamCharitmanas is my favourite book,

Q.3. Who wrote the Ramcharitmanas?

Ans. - The great poet Tulsidas wrote this book.

Q.4. In which language is it written?

Ans. It is written in Avadhi language.

Q. 5 What does Ramcharitmanas depict ?

Ans. It depicts the noble deeds of Shri Ram.

Q. 6. What does Ramcharit manas present?

Ans. It presents the picture of an ideal brother, wife, husband and an ideal society.

Q. 7. Who is the main character of the Ramcharitmanas ?

Ans. Shri Ram is the main Character of this book,

Q.8. Who was the king of Ayodhya?

Ans. Dasharath was the king Of Ayodhya

Q.9 What order did Dasharath give to Ram?

Ans - He ordered Ram to go to the forest.

Q.10. For how long did Ram live in the forest?

Ans. Ram lived in the forest for fourteen years.

Q.11. Who went to the forest with Ram

Ans. Sita and Laxaman went to the forest with Ram.

Q.12. Who was the king of Lanka?

Ans.  Ravan was the king of Lanka.

Q13. Where did Ravan take away sita?

Ans. Ravan took Sita to Lanka?

Q.14. Whose help did Ram take to get Sita back ?.

Ans- Ram took Sugriva’s help to get back Sita.

Q.15. What message does the Ramcharitmanas give? 

Ans. It gives the message that  we must be just and dutiful.



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