Friday, 23 October 2015

(3.1.2) The Use of 'Only' / How to use 'Only'

How to use 'Only'?

Only: (adjective) sole, single. alone.
Only: (adverb) solely, exclusively.
Only: (conjunction) but, except.
Read the following sentences:
1. The old woman lost her only son.
2.Your son is only leaving now for the front.
In the sentence 1, the word 'only' means that the old woman had no other son except the son referred to.
In the sentence 2, the word 'only' emphasizes that the son is leaving now and did not leave earlier.
Some more uses of 'Only': 
(A) In the sense of 'exclusively' :
I want to buy only the latest edition of this book.
The TV is to be used for only educational purposes.
(B) In the sense of 'just', 'merely' :
He is only a child; how can he understand such a complex issue?
(C) When 'only' is used after 'can' or 'could', it stresses that there is no other option available than what has been said:
I can only sympathise with you.
We can only feel sorry for him.
(D) "Only' is used to emphasize the appropriateness of a certain course of action or behaviour:
Ramesh is your close friend. It is only natural that he rejoices at your victory.
'Only' should be used immediately before the word that it modifies or refers to. Care should be taken in the use of 'only', else one may be misunderstood. Look at the following sentences:
1. Only Ram promised to give me a book. (i.e., Ram and nobody else.)
2. Ram only promised to give me a book.( i.e. Ram did not give it away.)
3. Ram promised to give me only a book. ( i.e. a book and nothing else.)
Some more examples -
Only Sita promised to help me.
Sita only promised to help me.
Only I saw her yesterday.
I saw only her yesterday.
I saw her only yesterday.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

(4.1.2) Difference between People and Peoples

What is the difference between 'People' and 'Peoples'

The use of 'People' and 'Peoples'
1. 'People' is a collective noun which though singular in form, is used as plural; as,
Some people are mad after riches.
Many people were standing in a queue.
2. As a common noun 'People' means 'a nation', and is used in both singular and plural; as,
The Indians are a hard working people (nation).
There are many peoples (nations) in Europe.
3. 'Peoples' - the members of a particular nation or community or ethnic group.
The native peoples of Canada.
4. 'Peoples' - a body of persons sharing a common religion, culture or language.
The peoples of central Asia.

(7.1.1) Abbreviations

What is an abbreviation?
An abbreviation is a short form of a word or phrase.
ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
AFMS : Air Force Medical Service
APEC : Asia Pacific Economic Corporation
ATS : Aviation Turbine Fuel
BARC: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
BDO : Block Development Officer
BHEL : Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
BBL : Big Bash League

CBEC: Central Board of Excise ad Customs.
COP : Conference of the Parties
CPEC : China Pakistan Economic Boarder
CIL : Coal India Limited

DSP : Deputy Superintendent of Police
DDCA : Delhi and District Cricket Association
DSC : Defence Security Corps


FAO: Food and Agriculture organisation.
FMS : Faculty of Management Studies
FSSAI : Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

IETE: Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers.
ILO: International Labor Organisation.
IB : International Boarder
ICMR : Indian Council of Medical Research
IOC : Indian Oil Corporation
ICEX : Indian Commodity Exchange
IAF : Indian Air Force

LIC: Life Insurance Corporation
NAC : National Advisory Council
NSSO : National Sample survey Organisation
NSS : National Service Scheme
NEAT : National Exchange for Automated Trading
NDMA : National Disaster Management Force
ORF: Observer Research Foundation
ONGC : Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.
PPP : Purchasing Power Parity
PBL : Premier Bedminton League

SPC : Strategic Forces Command
SCS : South China Sea

TGT : Trained Graduate Teacher


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