Sunday 20 December 2015

(6.1.6) Determiners / What are Determiners/ Kinds of Determiners

Determiners / Definition of determiners / Important features of Determiners / Kinds of Determiners

What is a  determiner?
A word or a group of words that comes before a noun or a noun phrase and modifies its meaning is called a determiner.
Other features of determiners : 
> The determiners also specify the quality of a noun.
> They determine the type of noun.
> Like adjectives they qualify the nouns that follow them.
> Determiners are the words that define and determine the category of nouns.
> They are also known as modifiers of nouns. They are used before nouns and denote whether the nouns are singular, plural, countable or uncountable. 
> Pronouns are not preceded by determiners.
Kinds of Determiners :
1. Determiners of Quantity-
Some, Much, Little etc.
2. Determiners of Number -
One, Two, Three, Many etc.
3. Demonstrative Determiners.
This, That, These, Those etc.
4. Possessive Determiners -
My, Our, His, Her, Their
5. Distributive Determiners -
Each, Every etc
6. Articles -
A, An, The
The important determiners are as follows :-
A, An, The, Some, Any, Few, A few, the few, Little, a Little, the Little, Each, Every, This, That, These, Those, Many, Many A, Much, Various, Several.

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